Border Management & Consulting LLP - Gates To Beyond Borders - Contact Us Now

1. Power of Partnership

  • GTI; Crucial Expertise and Operational Experience
  • ICCD; Worldwide Network, Effective Management and Financial Opportunities
  • TOBB; Global Influence, Institutional Framework and Strategic Leadership

GTI, an affiliate company of TOBB, was founded in 2005 solely to develop infrastructure projects on border gates and other logistics infrastructures to facilitate trade and to bring safe and secure solutions to Customs Authorities. It was evaluated as one of the 'Best Practices at Border Crossings' by the UN with its successful projects and PPP investment model.

As a founding partner, GTI plays a pivotal role in shaping BMC Gates, contributing operational excellence. This legacy serves as a guiding force for BMC Gates, offering insights and expertise for success.

2. Important Needs for Trade Facilitation Reforms

Countries need to accelerate trade and reduce costs in order to catch up with the global economic development. The most effective way to achieve this is to develop logistics infrastructures, especially border gates, in order to increase regional and international trade and tourism.

Combining the deep technical and operational experience, international financing power and global leadership capabilities of its partners, BMC Gates envisions providing tailor-made services that will contribute to countries, local investor partners, local businesses and people.

3. Investment Financing Model Advantages

BMC Gates uses an internationalized and improved version of GTI's award-winning business model. Staff specialized in project implementation and facility management with BOT and other PPP models can develop the most appropriate investment models according to the expectations of the public authorities.

What Does BMC Gates Bring to Countries

Through the consolidation of its partners' expertise, capabilities and influence, BMC Gates directly contributes to the welfare of the countries by opening the gates to better and faster trade.

  • Alternative Investment Models
  • Financial Opportunities
  • Accelerated Foreign Trade
  • Good Governance
  • Economic Development
  • Latest Technological Facilities
  • High-Return Businesses

What Does BMC Bring to Local Partners

BMC Gates believes in the power and synergy of partnerships and adopts the principle of establishing partnerships with local and regional individuals and institutions.

  • Strong and Reliable Partners
  • Return-Oriented Investments
  • Long Term Cooperation
  • Prestigious Business
  • Access to Finance

What Does BMC Bring to Local Businesses and the Public

BMC Gates establishes long-term collaborations with local businesses both in the supply of products, services and labor needed during the construction project implementation and in the operation process.

  • Revenue Growth
  • Increasing Trade Initiatives
  • Regional Development
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Professional Specialization